Security guards face different issues in the winter. This is especially true in locations that experience dramatic seasonal weather changes, like significant snowfall. Guards must change tactics and use different tools to meet these challenges.
Security Guards & Winter Duty
In places like New York, winter can mean an increased need for security guards. Uniformed security guards like those at Elite Investigations can help address higher risks caused by weather, long dark evenings, holidays, and frequency of travel and vacancies.
Security Guards Provide Help During Severe Weather Events
Most people know they need an emergency plan in case of bad weather. Have you thought about the same type of plan for your business or commercial or residential property?
Security guards should be a part of any business’ winter emergency plan. Guards can supply security when in case there is no electricity. They can help direct people and traffic safely through difficult or weathered areas.
Some guards are trained in first aid which can be very helpful in case of any weather-related accidents.
Security Guards Protect During Longer Nighttime Hours
We “fall back” in the autumn and evenings become longer and darker. The sun goes down earlier. This means more hours of the day when security guards are needed to keep businesses and communities safe.
Mobile patrols are awesome for HOAs and apartment complexes at this time of year. They can keep their eyes on large areas. They have the ability to pop up anywhere at a moment's notice. That is a great deterrent to criminals.
In the event that someone does attempt to cause trouble, such as theft or break-in, guards are more likely to catch them in the act and be able to provide a viable account for authorities.
Security Guards Provide Aid When Accidents Occur
Sadly accidents increase during the winter. This is likely due to weather conditions that cause slick spots and less sunlight outdoors.
Ice is a main culprit of winter accidents, especially in places like New York state. Ice can cause slip and fall accidents both indoors and out for people on foot. The ice can also create havoc on roadways, including driveways that don’t even see vehicles at high speeds.
Security guards can help in these situations by providing documentation of accidents. They are able to quickly reach out to authorities. They can ensure that help is administered to any injured parties as quickly as possible.
Security Guards & Holidays
Most of the time we would rather not think about the increased risks to safety around the holidays, but it is necessary in protecting personal and business interests. Any business with a parking lot is at higher risk during winter holidays. The increase in retail spending combined with the cover of evening darkness makes thieves more brazen. Car break-ins can become a real problem. Major cities have found patrols to be very helpful in ending the problem.
Uniformed guards also provide a deterrent for most other crimes that see an increase during the holidays, like robberies, assaults, and general property crimes.
Security Guards for HOAs & Apartments During Winter
The winter months see an uptick in people traveling. This means that apartments and homes are sitting empty more often than they would at other times of year. Some criminals will see this as an opportunity to strike. HOAs and apartment complexes employ security guards to protect vacant and empty homes during the long winter months.
Don’t overlook your winter security needs. Hire security guards to protect your business and property this winter. Call Elite Investigations now at (866) 779-5017 or visit them online and fill out the form to get a free online quote today.