Security guards are responsible for maintaining a safe environment and enforcing rules and regulations in the area they are assigned to. They are most visible during times of danger and crisis, but the very best security guards actually prevent problems more often than solve them.
The most effective security measures and personnel work in tandem to prevent threats before they become a problem. Often the best security isn’t what gets the most attention. The best security guards have a keen understanding of security systems and how to use them, build relationships with clients and the community, and use proven strategies to prevent problems.

Security Guards & Technology
One of the most common reasons to hire security guards is because they are the hub of a security plan. They bring the whole system together by using technology a business already has in place such as surveillance cameras, security tags and detection systems, and badge systems.
Uniformed guards bring all of the different technologies under one umbrella and add a watchful human touch to the system. This provides a full coverage type of security as opposed to using a single system that may allow threats to slip through.
How Security Guards Build Relationships
One of the best parts of hiring a professional security company like Elite Investigations is that the guards provided by the company build relationships with the clients as well as the community. Elite Investigations’ guards are flexible and learn fast. They can adapt to their environment.
Often, guards take on unspecified duties that greatly help the business they are assigned to. Small things like watching a storefront so an employee can grab a product from the storage room or walking an employee to their car at the end of a shift can go a long way in building a relationship as well as keeping everyone safe. Security personnel also work to build relationships within the community by providing great customer service when necessary, always being helpful, and maintaining a pleasant disposition.
Security Guards De-escalate Problems
Elite Investigations provides well-trained security personnel that are taught to use tried and true de-escalation techniques as well as conflict resolution strategies to not only keep a problem from getting worse but to actually take things down a notch.
It is far easier to start a conversation with someone who looks like trouble than it is to wait for them to cause a problem. Starting a conversation is also a non-offensive gesture, where following and watching can be seen as offensive by some customers and can escalate to a dramatic scene. This is just one example of how a guard can de-escalate an issue before it is a problem.
Hire Security Guards to Prevent Threats
Whatever security concerns your business is facing, from shoplifting to trespassing to illegal activities, hiring a security guard heads off those threats. If you need to hire professional security for your business, call Elite Investigations at (866) 901-1855 and a security expert can help you determine the best solution for your situation.