Seven people were killed in an explosion at RM Palmer Company in West Reading, Pennsylvania in March 2023. In August, an employee was hurt in an explosion at a Sherwin-Williams paint factory plant in Garland, Texas. On September 11, a fire at Archer Daniels Midland facility in Decatur, Illinois injured eight people, leaving several hospitalized for days. The same day, an explosion happened in Nolensville, Tennessee at a construction site which is now under investigation.
Fire watch security services are designed to prevent situations like these and minimize the damage when they do occur. Companies in industries that have hot work need fire watch security services. Hot work is any kind of operation that involves burning or spark production that could cause a fire or an explosion. Shipyards are one of the most common places to find hot work, but it can be found in many industries including manufacturing, food processing, waste treatment, fuel storage, and oil production. In many cases, a fire watch is required by state or federal law.
What is Fire Watch Security Service?
Usually, fire watches are needed during hot work. Their job is to observe specifically to ensure that a fire does not catch due to flying sparks, use of equipment, or any other aspect of hot work. If there should be any changes that could lead to a potential fire or explosion, the fire watch will stop work until the environment is made safe. This is done to prevent any of the types of situations described above from occurring.
Fire watch security guards must be very detail oriented and stay focused on the task at hand. They must be highly observant and vigilant to make sure that any problems are caught before there is a serious threat.
Fire Watch Emergency Services
There are many businesses that do not need fire watch services until they suddenly do. One of the biggest reasons that a business suddenly needs fire watch services is because there is a problem with their fire monitoring system or their sprinkler system. Either of these situations may cause your local fire marshall to shut down the business unless an emergency fire watch is put in place.
In this case, it is a dedicated security guard who will watch for fires, smoke, or any other indication of a problem to ensure that the premises is safe until the fire monitoring system is back up and running.
A fire watch may also be needed in the aftermath of a fire. Once a fire has been put out, a fire watch may be needed to be sure that the fire doesn’t rekindle, doing even more damage.
Security Guards for Fire Watch
If you have a high-risk business, make sure you keep your property and employees safe with a proactive, professional fire watch security guard. Call Elite Investigations at (866) 901-1855 to hire a professional security guard for fire watch to protect your business and make sure you are meeting all state and federal requirements.