At Elite Investigations, we believe in the personal protection of people. Whether that be politicians, celebrities, business executives, or any other who may be targeted for personal attacks. We've got you protected.
Executive Protection
Executive Protection, also known as Close Protection, refers to the private security and risk mitigation measures taken to ensure the safety of individuals and their families who may be at risk owing to their employment, status, net worth, affiliations, or geographic location.
Celebrity Protection
Bodyguards are hired by high-profile celebrities, particularly the famous, to protect them from many elements that could damage them. The paparazzi, insane fans, stalkers, ex-partners, and others may be involved. Bodyguarding may appear to be thrilling and glamorous profession, but it is difficult since they must provide the highest level of protection to their customers and must undergo extensive training. You could be astonished by these people's quality if you learn about their backgrounds.
High Net Worth Individuals
The security of high-net-worth individuals extends beyond their physical safety to include their privacy from those who may constitute a harm to their reputation. This can take the shape of identity theft, information disclosure, and so on. To secure our clients' privacy, we use a variety of techniques, including unbreakable encryption for communications.